Taken from Spotify

Katie Geller | March 7th 2025
Still riding the wave of their latest album Romance, Fontaines D.C.’s new song It’s Amazing To Be Young explores similar themes of nostalgia, yearning, and vulnerability. Fontaines often incorporates political and thought-provoking messages in their music, and It's Amazing To Be Young serves as an optimistic reminder that there is joy in the world during a time of turmoil and unrest. 
The track opens with a wistful guitar riff, highlighting the band’s fondness and nostalgia for their youth. The emphatic drum beat during the chorus almost makes it seem like Grian Chatten, the lead singer, is trying to make the listener fully grasp the weight of his words. 
The line, “Sometimes I wake up and it's dark,” represents the confusion and heaviness often accompanying adulthood.  “I sang them every word I had” conveys the care-free jubilance that comes with childhood, while, “Seems like they’re never gonna understand” implies a growing disconnect, either from others or the inner self over time. 
The repetition throughout the song of the line “But it's amazing / To be young” encapsulates the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia, where Chatten looks back on his youth with a mixture of longing and appreciation. While youth can be amazing, it's often fleeting and misunderstood. The phrase captures the exuberance of adolescence and the realization that those youthful feelings are irreplicable. 
Chatten pulls out his signature breathy vocals for this track, which align with the raw and emotional nature of the band’s music, amplifying its intensity. Fontaines tends to prioritize emotional expression in their music rather than technical perfection — their artistry goes beyond catchy melodies and lyrics, reaching much deeper into genuine places that connect with the listener and set the band apart.  
Chatten wonders on the opening track of Romance, “Maybe romance is a place / For me and you.”  After a journey exploring concepts of what “romance” is throughout the album, It's Amazing To Be Young might answer this question in the sense of possibility and openness that makes romance feel like a natural experience. Youth offers a special space where love can feel easy and uncomplicated, providing us with hope about what lies ahead. 
So now the question remains: Is this track the end of the Romance era? Or just the beginning of a deluxe album? Setting off on their world tour, Fontaines D.C. leaves fans excited about what the future of their music holds. 
Keep up with Fontaines D.C. !

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